Rooms With A View

The wonderful city of Firenze

Etruscan sky of frescos, angelic witness 

of clouds, flowers over Florence, lightens

gold hills, Raphael pines, rolls 

a pale transparency about the city

—Harold Norse

From the everlasting collection of the Uffizi to the dreamy Boboli Gardens, Florence whispers the stories of antiquity. As the house traveled around the city for fragrant treasures, we were met with both the warm Florentine sun and rain showers that softly coloured the city.

Following the story of A Room With a View, the city revealed its wondrous restaurants, shelved art works, and photo booths, its nooks and crannies that delighted and surprised us all.

Walking up and down the streets of Florence, she shares a certain sensitivity to all that which she houses. From our wonderful host family to works of Botticelli, we were met with enormous pleasure.

Florence, she shares a certain sensitivity to all that which she houses.”

“Botticelli suggests the gradual process of metamorphosis through time”

“Botticelli's 'Primavera' as an Allegory of its Own Creation,” art historian Paul Barolsky

How you live your life is your business.”